Your Thoughts

Please feel free to add your comments here. I'll be adding in the names of everyone who so generously donated in his memory.

What Will Happen with Your Donations

I can't thank you all enough for your outpouring of love for my family and for your support for Shine Like The Sun. Here are some details of where the funds will go now that I've talked with Coach Horpel, the wrestling coach at Gunn High School here in Palo Alto.

  • 100% of the funds raised will be donated to the Gunn Sports Boosters - Wrestling Program
  • With your generous donations, I've already raised the $2,500 the team needs for equipment each year!!!
  • Now I'm looking to add to the $20,000 the team needs to raise outside of other donations to buy three more wrestling mats to host an annual tournament
  • I'll keep at this and help whittle that number down bit by bit in Zane's memory